New Record-Breaker: Player Collects 1,297 Aether in a Single Infernal Hordes Run

We’ve seen people collecting absurd amounts of Aether in the Infernal Hordes, but this particular player has set a new record and collected 1,297 Aether in a single run!

Artdz has collected a whopping 1,297 Aether in a single Infernal Hordes Run. Source: Reddit

1,297 Aether is the highest number collected thus far, beating the previous record by 12 Aether.

SliceOfLife collected 1,285 Aether in a single run.

While the new record-holder has not shared their particular boons and banes, we’re more than certain it includes the Hellborne boon, as it’s mandatory right now for these high-drop runs.

What’s the highest amount of Aether you’ve collected so far in one run? Let us know in the comments!


