Not Even a Sanctuary Can Help You: Doomwalker Rampaging Through Anniversary Event Grounds

In a very nice throwback to some very old school World Boss capital-city attacks we have a different kind of anniversary on our hands! It seems while the Guest Relations quest keeps adding more and more guests to the event (and enhancing a certain NPC’s title), some of them are very uninvited and very murderous.

Blizzard recently made the 20th Anniversary event grounds a sanctuary area. This means no PvP can happen while there, as players were preying on low level alts enjoying the celebrations. However, World Bosses don’t really need permission to PvP, and Doomwalker took full advantage!

Back around Vanilla WoW (and Classic) one of the main tension events in capital cities was seeing who was going to kite the next World Boss over, and what boss it will be. We saw everything from Lord Kazzak to Teremus the Devourer in Stormwind coming in from half the world map away, as well as Azuregos who was much more local! Eventually the bosses got some shorter leashes and the fun (mostly) stopped.

Doomwalker, however, doesn’t even need to go as far as Azuregos to make a mess! The closest World Boss to the Caverns of time, he seems to enjoy visiting when properly motivated by a “courageous” kiter!

Some theorize he comes of his own volition, feeling left out of the celebrations! Cho’s stories are getting was too interesting it seems.

Have you ever been ambushed by the big fel robot during the celebration? How about an old-school boss kite to Org or Stormwind?



