Patch 2.2.0 Season 8 PTR Known Issues List: March 11th

Blizzard shared the current issues on the PTR. From quite a few class-specific problems to Supreme Belial coming a little later, visual issues, Boss power issues, and more, there’s plenty to keep in mind.

Hi all,

Welcome to the PTR known issues thread. The list below calls out issues we are aware of and intend to address by the official release of 2.2.0.



  • Power Kick does not scale its damage properly


  • Mending passive does not function while Insatiable Fury chest armor is equipped


  • Indira’s Memory unique pants can cause player health value to stay at 1hp
  • The bone spear created by Indira’s Memory unique pants’ power does not pierce properly
  • The second bone spear created by Deathless Visage does not apply healing from Supernatural Bone Spear


  • Grasp of Shadow triggers at incorrect rates
  • Shadow clone’s damage from imbuements does not scale with Bonus to Shadow Clone damage affixes
  • Shadow clones summoned by Grasp of Shadow gloves do not throw Caltrops when combined with Mired Sharpshooter’s Aspect


  • Inner Flames passive adds more damage than expected
  • With Temerity pants equipped, barriers generated by Energy Focus passive constantly drain
  • With Gloves of Illuminator and Crown of Lucion both equipped, the damage does not scale properly


Apparition Incursions

  • The timer for Belial doesn’t expire after the event ends

Supreme Belial

  • NOTICE: Supreme Belial will be available once the PTR Boost is enabled on 3/13/2025
  • Various visual bugs
  • Getting hit at certain timings during his knockback abilities can cause characters to not move anymore


  • If you die fighting Belial ambush in a Lair Dungeon, the fog wall persists


  • While partied, some players can attack the boss from outside the fog wall
  • Destroying portals too quickly can cause the boss to no longer lose health


  • Fight visuals flash temporarily when starting the encounter

Boss Powers

  • Belial’s Eye Beams Main Power can trigger while mounted
  • Belial’s Eye Beams Modifier Power can cause the player to be permanently stealth with certain Boss Power arrangements


  • When partied, if a player declines a vote on a Pit run, the game will softlock until each player holds escape


  • Using Jah rune’s teleport during other movement abilities can cause the character to get stuck in terrain.


  • Using Tribute of Radiance or Tribute of Ascendence for Undercity runs can cause the initial portal to not open when the player has certain gold amounts
  • Teleporting to a party member sometimes displays the wrong destination
  • Subo’s Mercenary quest can appear even if the player has already unlocked him



