Player Takes 45 Minutes to Kill Butcher in Diablo 4

Butcher encounters are generally more of a sprint, as the big guy shows up and either just destroys you or gets destroyed quickly. However, one player had a very different experience, turning the fight into much more of a marathon.

CigarNight took advantage of the Butcher’s oldest weakness from way back in Diablo 1, doors! Now, who exactly got the better of this exchange is very debatable, as the player took over 45 minutes poking big red through the fog door (Dark Souls style), when they could have been done with it in seconds!

I know Blizzard wanted to slow this game down but this is a bit ridiculous. I was too stubborn to reset this dungeon hahaha. Took me at least 45 min to burn him downCigarNight

This isn’t the first time the D4 Butcher has had issues with doors! We’ve actually already seen a door-mediated confrontation, but this is the first one in Season 1, and definitely the longest!

Here are some more Butcher-related stories:


