Rextroy One-Shots the Underpin for 536 Million Damage!

Rextroy has done it again! In his latest video, he demonstrates a 536 million damage one-shot, allowing him to instantly defeat The Underpin, the pinnacle delve boss of Season 2.

How Did Rextroy Achieve This Insane Damage?

Rextroy received an email about The Blood is Life iconThe Blood is Life dealing 1.2 billion damage in delves. He went to investigate and found out the talent has broken damage scaling against certain mobs, like the Turnip Punching Bag iconTurnip Punching Bag and Black Dragon's Challenge Dummy iconBlack Dragon’s Challenge Dummy, which resulted in a crazy damage output.

This bug allowed Rextroy to one-shot enemies, destroy world bosses, turn the Underpin challenge into a joke and take down battleground bosses like High Warlord Volrath.

Rextroy also confirmed that he reported the bug to Blizzard and it has since been fixed to prevent players from abusing it.

Watch the full video here!



