Rogue Key Art

Rogue World Record in Season 7: Pit 143 Cleared in 13 Minutes 45 Seconds

Stakk has broken the current Rogue world record for Pit clears in Season 7 using a Rain of Arrows build. The player cleared a Pit 143 in 13 minutes and 45 seconds.

You may think Pit 143 isn’t anything compared to the likes of overpowered builds like the Blood Wave Necromancer or Barbarian’s Earthquake builds. Still, this took Stakk over 1,000 Pit runs and countless hours spent farming for Artificers’ Stones.


The player explained in a Reddit post their full spell rotation used during the run:

BarrageBarrage -> ConcealmentConcealment -> Rain of ArrowsRain of Arrows -> Evade -> Twisting BladesTwisting Blades -> CaltropsCaltrops -> Smoke GrenadeSmoke Grenade. Then you repeat the first 3 skill casts of BarrageBarrage -> ConcealmentConcealment -> Rain of ArrowsRain of Arrows. You should repeat the full rotation every 4-5 seconds for maximum DPS.

You can watch the full run here.



