Season 2 Mythic+ Dungeon Tuning: March 12th

Blizzard are further nerfing dungeons with hotfixes that are already live now. Four dungeons get easier, as Meadery, MOTHERLODE, Rookery and Floodgate get some nerfs.

With hotfixes that are now live on all realms, we’ve made the following adjustments to Mythic+ dungeon encounters:


Cinderbrew Meadery

  • Benk Buzzbee’s Honey Marinade area denial damage reduced by 33%.


  • Azerokk adds’ Azerite Aftershock initial damage reduced by 23%.
  • Azerokk adds’ Azerite Aftershock periodic damage reduced by 43%.

The Rookery

  • Voidstone Monstrosity add Voidstone Awakened’s Corruption Overload increased damage inflicted per stack reduced by 50%.

Operation: Floodgate

  • Big Momma Maximum Distortion cast time increased to 4 seconds (was 3), and Maximum Distortion duration reduced to 12 seconds (was 14).
  • Swampface chains targeting updated to prefer non-healers.

These will be included in our next hotfixes update.



