Scosglen Diablo 4

Servers Are Back After a Rough Weekend of DDoSing

Diablo 4 servers are back online after a rough weekend of DDoS attacks that resulted in disconnects and players not being able to play the game at all.

The attacks began on Saturday evening with Blizzard acknowledging them on Sunday morning. Fortunately, the DDOS attacks stopped on Sunday evening, according to Blizzard Customer Service via Twitter.

The community took to Reddit and even though many Reddit threads have been deleted by now, we could still figure out based on the titles that the attacks left players angry and frustrated.

However, the main issue of the attacks is the death of many Hardcore characters.

Accurate portrayal of the DDoS attack on my HC char with 100+ hours
by u/Ghostflop in diablo4

Offline Mode as a Possible Solution to Prevent DDoS Attacks?

One particular thread suggests Blizzard create an offline mode to prevent these types of attacks from occurring in the future.

Offline Mode for Diablo 4 wouldn’t probably work as many things are stored directly on servers, including player-saved data.

Diablo 3 was a mess on PS4 with local saves, modded items, and cheaters, so Blizzard probably wants to avoid that with Diablo 4.

Did the DDoS attacks prevent you from playing Diablo 4 over the weekend?






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