Speedrunner Crushes Leveling Record: 10-70 in Under Two Hours!

World of Warcraft speedrunner Harldan has smashed the Chromie Time leveling record, reaching level 70 from level 10 in just 1 hour and 56 minutes with an Earthen character.

The speedrunner utilized Chromie Time and the Earthen exploration racial (Wide-Eyed Wonder iconWide-Eyed Wonder) for efficient XP gains. They also stacked the anniversary and other XP-increasing buffs for maximum efficiency, including the Draught of Ten Lands iconDraught of Ten Lands. The leveling was conducted on PTR to avoid competition and ensure consistent conditions.

Lengthy intros were skipped by breaking out of the starting area and heading straight to Orgrimmar. The player balanced exploration with questing in densely-packed quest hubs with easy access to rares, like Silverpine Forest.

Here’s the entire video of the leveling process.



