As you work through the Season Journey and aim to complete Hell’s Fury, you might have noticed it is one of the tougher objectives. If you are after Dorian the Raven or the secret title, The Coven’s Agent, this challenge requires a bit of planning and coordination.
What is Hell’s Fury?
To complete this objective, you must defeat 250 monsters before the Hellborne arrives after reaching max Threat Level in Torment 4. Sounds simple, but this objective will reset everytime you do not hit the 250 monsters mark, therefore it requires the right setup to pull it off.
Best Strategy to Complete Hell’s Fury

One of the most effective ways we have found is using a Hellspire to increase enemy spawns:
- Find a Hellspire before reaching max Threat Level.
- Activate the Spire a few seconds (or a minute) before maxing out Threat, or right as you hit it.
- The Spire will generate extra enemies, adding to the demons already triggered by your Threat Level.
- For even better results, coordinate with a group: if you and your party hit max Threat Level at the same time or in staggered intervals, you will spawn even more demons to meet the 250-kill requirement faster.
This method has proven to be successful in completing Hell’s Fury, especially when running in a team. If you are struggling with other Season Journey objectives, let us know!