Tag: Barbarian
Season 8 Brings Back the True Barbarian: Heavy Weapons, Huge Damage
Barbarian is getting big buffs in Season 8! Stronger Whirlwinds, a reworked Mighty Throw, and harder hits. Check out what is changing.
Dual Wield Whirlwind Barbarian Pit 101 Cleared in 92 Seconds
A Whirlwind Barbarian has cleared Pit 101 in Season 5 in just 92 seconds and here’s a video of their run!
Huge Barbarian Changes in Diablo 4 Season 5
We’ve datamined all the Barbarian changes coming in the Season 5 patch!
Unbelievable Loot: Player Finds Ultimate Thorns Razorplate
A player’s incredible find sets a new standard for Thorns Razorplates, while another player experiences the worst luck.
Bash Was Not Nerfed in Latest Hotfixes
Bash Barbarians can breathe easy, as Blizzard have clarified that the recent patch notes did not in fact nerf the build!
The New Barbarians: Nerfs, Buffs and New Additions in Season 4
There’s quite the shakeup coming to Barbarians in Season 4, and we’re taking a look at all the changes for the class.
Uber Lilith Barbarian 1-Shot 500 Million Damage Kill
Here’s a true Deathblow, as a Barbarian takes down Echo of Lilith with one (well, technically two) hit! Let’s take a look at the video.
Insane 122 Billion Rupture Damage Against Uber Lilith
We’re looking at an insane 122 billion crit against Uber Lilith by Rob2628.
Player Hits Uber Lilith for Nearly 9 Billion Damage
We’re looking at a level 91 Barbarian that hit Uber Lilith for nearly 9 billion damage.
Barbarian Infinite Damage Is Back: Billions Berserk Barber Barb!
The Billion Berserk Barbarian is Back! The Barber is helping Barbs create some potentially infinite damage, so let’s take a look!