Tag: bug
Hotfix for Tree of Whisper Rewards Issue Coming Soon
Blizzard is currently testing a fix for a Tree of Whisper rewards bug that negatively affected players last night.
Fix NVIDIA GPU Crashes in Season 4 with This Quick Trick
Quite a few players with NVIDIA GPUs have been reporting crashes since Season 4 started. Here is a simple workaround for the issue.
Issue with Resplendent Sparks for Eternal Realm Players
Blizzard is currently investigating an issue with Resplendent Sparks on the Eternal Realms. A fix for the issue is coming soon.
Protection Shrines May Not Work Correctly After Lunar Awakening Patch
Protection shrines are not working correctly after the new Diablo 4 Lunar Awakening patch, Blizzard warn.
Progression Stopping Bug With Season 3 Questline and Workaround
There’s a bug stopping progression on the Season 3 questline, as the Seneschal can’t get upgraded, but Blizzard offer some workarounds.
Diablo 3 Season 3 Local Co-Op Progression Blocker Quest Bug
Blizzard warn of a potential progress-blocking quest in local co-op in Diablo 4 Season 3, as a fix is coming later in the week.
Diablo 4 Mother’s Blessing XP and Gold Buff Bugged, to Be Increased and Live This Week
The Mother’s Blessing XP and gold increase is live in Diablo 4 this week, but it seems Blizzard forgot a chunk of the buff!
Players Receiving Free Battle Passes, Season Journey Progress Not Working, Battle Pass Rewards Not Claimable in Diablo 4 Season 2
There’s some bugs related to the Battle Passes, as some players are getting free ones and other can’t claim any rewards, and more.
Uber Lilith Dies to 1.5 Billion Crits
Here’s a video of a player hitting Uber Lilith for billions of damage. We’re not sure what happened here, but the boss got decimated!
Season Journey Progress Bug to Be Fixed on August 15th
The bug that prevents players from completing the Season Journey will be fixed on August 15, according to Blizzard President Mike Ybarra.