Tag: bug
Warning About Treasure Goblins Running Away
Here’s a warning regarding Treasure Goblins in Diablo 4, because they might just immediately run away if you aren’t careful!
Infinitely Spawning Enemies in Cellars
A very strange bug can cause Diablo 4 cellars to become the best places for loot and XP, as monsters infinitely spawn in!
All Diablo 4 Hotfix Changes: June 12th – 18th
Hardcore Death in Invulnerable Bubble on Loading Screen With Cheat Death Potion
A player has died on Diablo 4 Hardcore while portaling to town, standing in an invulnerability bubble, with the cheat death elixir on.
Blizzard Explain Twisting Blades Cooldown Reduction
Blizzard respond to concerns over Rogue’s Twisting Blades not granting enough cooldown reduction and potentially not returning at all.
Diablo 4 Hotfixes: June 4th & 5th
The la hotfixes bring solutions for progression-blocking issues, the multiple Darcels Scosglen quest being re-enabled and more.
Crazy Bug Spawning Massive Amounts of One Elite
A seemingly infinite number of one particular Diablo 4 quest elite spawn and terrorize players as they try to get out with their lives.
Scosglen Quest Temporarily Disabled
Blizzard have disabled a Scosglen side quest and players will not be able to complete the zone until an upcoming hotfix.