The Devs Listened! Big Changes Coming in Season 5!

Popular Diablo content creator Rob2628 had a meeting with Blizzard where they revealed some big changes coming in the upcoming Diablo 4 Season 5!

We’re highlighting some of the most notable ones below.

Season 5 Changes Confirmed by Blizzard

  • Enchanting no longer costs angelbreath.
  • Potions can be used while crowd controlled.
  • World bosses have resilience which makes them harder to kill.
  • Readjusted Baneful Heart drop rate in Helltide & Maiden in World Tiers 1 and 2 only needs 2 hearts.
  • Midcages are staying in the game.
  • Pit bosses debuff stacks are staying.
  • XP bonus per monster level difference is now uncapped. 1.5% per level at 100 level difference results in 150% x bonus.


  • All uniques are getting their affixes reworked. Buffs across the board / more useful stats.
  • Goal is for builds to use 2-4 Uniques.

Class Changes

  • The main scaling has been adjusted.
  • Druids, Necromancers, and Sorcerers = 1% damage per 8 main stat.
  • Rogues will get 1% damage per 9 main stat.
  • Barbarians will get 1% damage per 10 main stat.
  • Barbarians and Rogues have more Item Slots than other classes.


  • Close damage increase temper gets nerfed from 85% to 55%.
  • We will get 1 more Temper Reroll chance per Greater Affix on items.

Infernal Hordes

The new Internal Hordes seasonal feature saw a lot of PTR feedback and so the developers are planning to make the following adjustments to it:

  • Time per wave reduced to 60 seconds (was 90).
  • All Aether drops doubled.
  • Pet picks up Aether.
  • More monster spawns / spawn time decreased.
  • Boss health was bugged on PTR and has been decreased now.
  • New Tier 9&10 coming in the mid-season patch.
  • Rewards significantly increased, while cost has been lowered.


