The Liberation of Undermine Race to World First is On, 1/8 Mythic Down Already

The season has gone live and with it the raid as well! The Race to World First has started and as is customary, all the top guilds are going to be in Heroic for a while.

The Splits and a World First

With Mythic launching along with the raid and thus Heroic week disappearing, we won’t be seeing the top guilds in the maximum difficulty for a few days yet. They’ll be gearing up hundreds of characters to see who gets lucky enough with Normal and Heroic tier sets and gear to be worthy of some Mythic loot!

Meanwhile, we have other guilds venturing into the raid immediately. Melee Mechanics have a few World Firsts under their belts, as they usually brave the raid at launch. Liberation of Undermine was no different, and they’ve already taken down the first boss, Vexie and the Geargrinders! They only needed 3 pulls for the boss.

We might see one or two more bosses go down before the difficulty ramps up. The first four were very easy (comparatively) in Nerub-ar Palace, so we’ll have to see if Blizzard changed things this time around.

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