The Most Jittery Dead Raccoon Ever: Guest Relations Quest Shenanigans

The 20th Anniversary Guest Relations secret event questline is a detective style secret finding jaunt all over Azeroth. But one particular quest, given by Alyx, the ever more busy and ever more promoted Guest Relations coordinator, seems to be giving players a bit of a run for their money.

Searching for a dead raccoon named Gizmo starts at the celebration event at the Caverns of time, and will eventually lead you to Pandaria’s Jade Forest, near the small village of Serpent’s Overlook. It’s here where you’ll dabble in some graverobbing.

It turns out unearthing and capturing ghostly raccoons isn’t exactly an easy task. At least not if you’re in a giant crowd of people trying to capture the same raccoon. Players are complaining that Gizmo is overly jittery and never stands still. He moves whenever anyone moves too fast close to him! What’s worse, crowds of players are causing the area to lag, and are just blocking the view for each other.

This was a big issue a few days ago when the quest just released, but still happens now as well.

Some players had more luck by turning on War Mode.

byu/snakebit1995 from discussion

Some are much more than just annoyed with the raccoon chase, which is occasionally highly reminiscent of the Willie E. Coyote and Road Runner pursuits.

On the other hand, if you’re not on a high population server, you might have more luck with the feisty Gizmo.

byu/snakebit1995 from discussion

Or you could also just wait until all the quests are out and crowds have thinned. Gizmo isn’t going anywhere for sure, at least not until the 20th Anniversary is over. Persevering through the entire smelly chase ordeal, and finishing the quest grants you a new pet, Gizmo the Pure. Turns out the stench of dead raccoons is a bit much for his wannabe new owners.



