Trading Re-Enabled While Issues With Sanguine Altars Appear

Blizzard fixed one issue today and another (unrelated) one appeared. First off, trading has been brought back to the game earlier today after a short suspension due to duping exploits:

Player trading functionality has been re-enabled. We will continue to monitor player posts to ensure all is well with trading.

Thank you all for your patience.

However, players have been reporting Sanguine Altars (the cups where you summon the Seekers for 15 Blood Lures) don’t work. They appear greyed out when players approach them. It’s unclear whether this is an issue for all players or just some, but in either case Blizzard have spoken about the issue and are working on a fix:

Chiming in to let folks know we’re aware of the issue. The team is currently investigating this and we will provide status updates as soon as they’re available.

Thank you very much for your patience and understanding.

Hopefully the issue is resolved quickly, as the altars are a big part of Blood Harvests. In the meantime we can at least still gather up those Blood Lures and then spend them all when the altars are working again. And don’t forget, both the lures and the keys from the seekers carry over from World Tier to World tier!


