Uber Unique Bonanza in Just 2 Days: Season 4 Brings Avalanche of the Most Powerful Items

Loot has indeed been reborn in Season 4, and it’s not just the new itemization systems either! It’s now been around 2 days since season launch and one of the main player comments we’re seeing is “it’s insane how frequently I have to go to town to sell/salvage gear”. With the new Helltide density and other improvements, items are raining from all over the place. And, it seems, Uber Uniques are very plentiful!

The last time we paid any real attention to Uber Unique drops, we were lucky to see 1 report in about a month. With Duriel and the boss ladder this changed, but it still took players quite a solid number of runs to get even one. Well, in Season 4 we’ve now had many reports in just 2 days! And it’s not just Duriel and Andariel either, as players have been getting Ubers out in the open world and in NMDs!

We’ve already covered the lucky Druid who got their Starless Skies very early in a random Helltide, but there’s plenty more out there. Let’s start off with the brand new Uber Unique, Tyrael's MightTyrael’s Might! The player actually wasn’t happy with the drop, but they were very quickly notified to keep the armor around, as it’s one of the best items in the game at the moment, with its Artillery Shrine-like power.

Source: Got an uber unique but not the one I wanted :C

While there’s many more dropping from other content, the bosses are still the primary source of Ubers (and you can check out our guide for farming them here):

Source: Duriel runs dropped me shako on the 2nd go

But Nightmare Dungeons are also quite the source it seems, coming in as early as a Tier 4!

Source: Just dropped my first uber unique (in Tier 4 Nightmare Dungeon)

This one came in at a Tier 77:

As everyone and their demon is doing Helltides, there’s plenty dropping there as well:

There’s also some undefined source drops:

There’s actually plenty more posts to be seen, but we’ll stop here. It’s also very important to note that once you get ONE Uber Unique, even if it’s not the one you want, you will be able to get any other one once you finish up a few Season 4 activities. You’ll need four Resplendent Sparks to craft any Uber Unique. You can get one from salvaging the one drop you got, and then the season offers 3 more! You’ll need to max out the Iron Wolves reputation for the first one. Then you can kill Uber Lilith for another, and kill any Tormented (level 200) boss for the third! You can do these in any order. And presto, there you have any Uber you want! If you’re not sure what to get, go for Tyrael’s Visage, as it’s just fun and works for most builds!


