Ultra-Rare “Uber Unique” Item Drops Temporarily Disabled in Diablo 4

Update: the items can now drop again, but the Helltide chest drops have also been changed. Read all about it in the recent hotfix notes here.

It seems the Helltide chests dropping the “Uber Unique” items at an incredibly increased rate since the patch for certain classes was indeed a bug! Blizzard have now announced they will be temporarily disabling drops for all of them. There’s a hotfix coming Friday afternoon Pacific time that will bring the drops back, however.

We covered this Helltide chest-driven loot bonanza earlier today, as players were getting many of these incredibly rare items.

Uber Uniques Disabled

We have temporarily disabled Uber Uniques from dropping in-game while we address an issue with Helltide Chest drops. Players will not be able to obtain the 6 Uber Unique items until a hotfix which we expect to be implemented on Friday afternoon Pacific Time. Other unique items will still be available from these chests.


