Warning: Don’t Enter Cellars During Helltides

Here’s a very painful bug that’s been plaguing some players in Helltides. We’ve seen a few reports (and a video) of players losing all their cinders when they enter Cellars!

While there’s no particularly good reason to go into a Cellar during a Helltide, as you can see from the below video, sometimes it just happens accidentally, as the_plumbus_among_us learned the hard way. With the Mystery chest right there too to taunt them too!

Watch out for cellars during a Helltide!
by u/the_plumbus_among_us in diablo4

Now, this doesn’t happen all the time as I’ve actually gone into a few Cellars during a Helltide (don’t ask why), and I did not lose my cinders. It’s a random bug that can happen, not one that always will.

So, when you’re around Helltiding and Cindering, be careful not to fall into one of these!

Meanwhile, you can check out our big Helltide Cinder farming tip here, our Mystery Chest/Event live location tracker here, and the Helltide Event Timer in the navigation bar above on the left!


