It seems some Delves are just too dangerous, even for veteran players. Some have traps that go above and beyond mere character death!
We’re seeing quite a few reports of players getting stuck in the Nightfall Sanctum Delve. It seems if you die in there, there is a chance your character will not be able to release their spirit. Players have tried various methods of getting unstuck (including, very appropriately, the unstuck feature), to varying success. One player reported having their character stuck until Blizzard intervened directly:
Others have had different levels of success, from having to stay logged out between one and a few hours, to simply waiting out the 6-minute auto-release timer.
Blizzard are actually aware of this issue but don’t have any guaranteed explicit fixes yet. They even recommend skipping the Delve for now:
We have received several reports of this issue and can confirm it is not working as intended.
If you cannot use the Release Spirit button, you may want to try the following steps:
- Log out and back in again.
- Try typing in the following command: /script RepopMe()
- Use the Character Stuck Service.
- Staying offline for at least 60 minutes may resolve the issue as it will reset the Delve. However, if any other player from your party goes back into the delve during this timeframe, it will keep it active for another 60 minutes.
If the problem continues, contact us.
So, if you’re confident enough you can get the Delve done without dying, you should be fine!