Winds of Mysterious Fortune: New Leveling and Reputation Event in Patch 11.1.5

A new leveling buff, Winds of Mysterious Fortune iconWinds of Mysterious Fortune, has been discovered in Patch 11.1.5! While this buff wasn’t explicitly mentioned in Blizzard’s official development notes, it appears to be set for activation when the patch goes live.

What Does Winds of Mysterious Fortune Provide?

According to the tooltip, this buff grants several benefits for leveling and reputation gains.

  • +20% XP gains for characters between levels 10 and 80.
  • +200% Dragonflight reputation gains.
  • +100% The War Within reputation gains.
  • Mysterious Satchels: Quests and enemy kills in Dragon Isles and Khaz Algar have a chance to drop these satchels, which contain gear, cosmetics, and combat and XP potions.

Datamined Satchels

We’ve datamined the following satchels, each providing better loot with increasing quality:

  • Weathered Mysterious Satchel iconWeathered Mysterious Satchel – This mysterious satchel contains a few interesting items.
  • Weathered Mysterious Satchel iconWeathered Mysterious Satchel (blue)
  • Weathered Mysterious Satchel iconWeathered Mysterious Satchel (purple/epic quality)
  • Pristine Mysterious Satchel iconPristine Mysterious Satchel (best version containing gear) – This mysterious satchel contains a few interesting items, including gear appropriate for your current specialization.

Datamined Potions from Mysterious Satchels

We’ve datamined several new potions related to this buff. Most of them last for 10 minutes and persist through death. Here’s a full list:

  • Potion of Mysterious Celerity iconPotion of Mysterious Celerity – Increases your movement speed by 10%.
  • Potion of Mysterious Swiftstrike iconPotion of Mysterious Swiftstrike – Increases melee, ranged, and spell haste by 10%.
  • Potion of Mysterious Tenacity iconPotion of Mysterious Tenacity – Increases your maximum health by 10%.
  • Potion of Mysterious Revivification iconPotion of Mysterious Revivification – This increases your health regeneration by 10%.
  • Potion of Mysterious Conflagration iconPotion of Mysterious Conflagration – 33% chance to ignite your target as you attack it. Lasts 10 minutes.
  • Potion of Mysterious Systemshock iconPotion of Mysterious Systemshock – 33% chance to shock your target as you attack it. Shocked creatures will suffer a periodic stun. Lasts 10 minutes.
  • Potion of Mysterious Frostbound iconPotion of Mysterious Frostbound – 33% chance to slow your target’s movement speed as you attack it. Lasts 10 minutes.
  • Potion of Mysterious Tremorshards iconPotion of Mysterious Tremorshards – 33% chance to apply movement-triggered area-damage to your target as you attack it. Lasts 10 minutes.

Mysterious Gear

The bags have a chance to contain items that carry the “Mysterious” prefix in their name. The item level of the gear will depend on your current level. We found items for each slot except for trinkets. Some examples include Mysterious Beacon Staff iconMysterious Beacon Staff (Staff) or the Mysterious Signet iconMysterious Signet (Ring).



