World First Heroic Gallywix and Full Fight Video

We finally have a Gallywix kill on Heroic difficulty. Now sure we’ve already seen a Mythic kill, but that was a giant exploit! This one’s very normal and we actually get to see the fight play out instead of someone using GM powers to kill him.

The World First

The WF and look at the boss actually come from two different guilds. While Liquid did take Chrome King Gallywix down, it was a Chinese guild that got there before them. As reported by, 天猫佳佳拍网游 got the kill quite a while before the US guild. So congrats to them!

The Video

Most top guilds are still avoiding heading to Gallywix Heroic splits, but Liquid have and managed to down the boss with many helpers in the raid. In case you’re not aware of what split raids are, you can read up on the concept here, but basically the top guilds bring in many outside players and only have around 5 actual guild players in so they can get all the gear that drops. For endboss Heroic splits, there’s a lot more actual guild players in there, however, with Liquid even having trouble with 29 of them on one of their later attempts.

And here’s the actual kill, as we get to see the full fight on Heroic for the very first time!



