WoW Players Post Dead-End Signs Outside Auction House Amid Ongoing Issues

Frustrated by performance issues, World of Warcraft players are creatively signaling problems with dead-end signs outside the Auction House.

Performance Issues Plague the Auction House

Blizzard is currently investigating ongoing performance issues affecting the Auction House in World of Warcraft, leaving many players frustrated. In response, the community has come up with a clever and humorous way to express their displeasure: posting dead-end signs right outside the Auction House on live servers.

One such example can be seen on the Argent Dawn server, where players have placed these signs in front of the Auction House, making a statement about the ongoing problems.

Dead-end signs on Argent Dawn

This trend isn’t isolated, as multiple Reddit threads have surfaced, showing similar signs on various servers. The Auction House is a vital feature for many players, and its downtime has caused significant disruption. While Blizzard works on a solution, the player base continues to voice their frustrations in creative ways.

Another dead-end sign in front of the Auction House

Hopefully, these issues will be resolved soon, and the Auction House will be back to functioning smoothly.


