War Within Dialogue Leaks Into Burning Crusade: Bug or Secret?

It seems the The War Within is moving without as well, as NPC dialogue is infecting others!

A Deep Anchorite

We have some more very appropriate names for the reddit spotters. Formal_Awareness_359 made us all aware that there was some new dialogue present in Shattrath, the main city of the Burning Crusade expansion. The text looked a little out of place, however:

Now if you’ve spent any time in Shattrath you’ll know it’s not a very industrial city. The capitalization of “the Deeps” is also a little suspect. The WoW community took a break from all the felcycle secret hunting and got right on the case, as BSet262 remembered where they’d heard that particular dialogue before:

Not exactly a deep mystery, but extremely strange nonetheless. It seems some numbers got mixed up and the Grand Anchorite spoke in the words of flightmaster Underwing from the Ringing Deeps.

But Is It Just a Bug?

Now usually that would be that. A strange bug where one NPC’s text got mixed up with another’s. However, with the aforementioned felcycle puzzle still very much in-progress, everything that’s out of the ordinary is getting extra scrutiny on the off chance it might add another orb to the missing ones! There are four more secrets that remain to be solved, with two of them not even started/could be anything. So far it doesn’t seem like the text has anything to do with the cycle puzzles, but you never know!



