We have another great guide from the man with the deep voice himself – Danta! This time, he brings us an updated video on how to relatively easily and quickly solo the Glory of the Firelands Raider. While many players already have it, this updated video is aimed at newer players who still need to complete it!

The main prize is the Corrupted Fire Hawk earned by completing the achievement itself, of course. However, there are also two additional mount drops from the raid:
Flametalon of Alysrazor (drops from Alysrazor).
Smoldering Egg of Millagazor (drops from Ragnaros).
Key Highlights
The achievement is fully soloable, including the Only the Penitent… achievement, but you’ll need the right class and movement abilities (Mage, Monk, Warlock, etc.). But with so many players having so many alts, and this not needing a max level character, that shouldn’t be a problem. The entire process can take as little as 30 minutes if you’re efficient. Don’t forget to flex your new mount once you’ve earned it! And now, onto the video!