Get Your Lightning Arrow Shooting Hunter Bow Before It Goes Away!

Here’s a heads up for Hunters and those who may roll them in the future, as a lighting arrow shooting bow cosmetic is about to leave with this month’s Trading Post! Ok, so it’s technically not lightning, but it’s close enough!

As very helpfully pointed out by arcalite911, there’s a pretty unique bow transmog currently in the Trading Post for 150 Tenders.

The Crystalline Longbow of the Heavens iconCrystalline Longbow of the Heavens is only around for another day and a half, so if you have the Tenders to spare and see yourself ever trying out a Hunter, go and get it! The “shooting star” unique ammunition is actually more of a lightning look, as you can see below.

Hopefully this got a few players a cool look they were otherwise going to miss, so go thank arcalite911 in case you ended up buying it because of the post!



