“Where Do I Get It?”: New Addon Shows Where Items Drop by Hovering Over Them

This is a very handy add-on that does exactly what it says! It shows you where you can find any item you hover over!

A Holiday Miracle!

Slashzero77 just wanted to get in the spirit of holidays and the Winter Veil by making some Gingerbread Cookies. Wondering where to get eggs and cold milk spurred their brain into thinking how helpful it would be if you could check where certain items drop or can be bought.

So using their Christmas break for the good of others, and all Gingerbread Cookies lovers, they made an add-on that does exactly that. It’s aptly named “Where Do I Get It?”, and you can find it on Curseforge.

It’s a no-frills mod, using tooltips to display where the item drops, who sells it if it’s available, and the place where it’s at. It’s currently in the experimental phase covering some 46,000 items. However, updates are already planned to get as close as possible to 100%. Considering the very positive community reaction, that’s a great thing.

As you can imagine the name itself spurred some classic R/wow comedy. Some in the community wondered “Where Do I get It?” in regards to the mod itself. Classic stuff. They also offered some, perhaps more appropriate names for it. All in good holiday spirits.

byu/Slashzero77 from discussion
byu/Slashzero77 from discussion
byu/Slashzero77 from discussion

So head on over and see if this is helpful for you, and drop a thanks to Slashzero77 if it is!



