For the Emperor! Awesome Warhammer 40k/Azeroth Crossover Space Marine Transmogs

Equipment transmogs are, arguably, one of the coolest things in WoW. We’ve already recently covered a great way players are recreating country flags with different shoulder capes. But this is not where the possibilities of transmogs end. Not even close. Witness the glory of the Warhammer 40k Space Marines (and one of the man himself) by boredguy12. For the Emperor (no, not the Arathi one)! And for Azeroth! We guess? Or vice versa?

Source: Space Marines: Imperial, Infected, Chaos by boredguy12

Warhammer for Azeroth

Applying them to a Kul Tiran male, boredguy12 did an incredible job recreating three types of Space Marines by using Warrior and plate transmogs: Imperial, Infected, and Chaos. They absolutely nailed the feel of Warhammer, deservedly getting a ton of upvotes. We’re pretty sure Henry Cavill would approve as well, considering his love of WoW, and his current involvement in producing and starring in a WH40k series.

Boredguy12 also posted the full list of transmog items needed to achieve the looks. Sadly, there are some pieces that are not obtainable anymore, since Blizzard has a tendency to lock sets forever once the seasons are over. No worries though, the community already provided good alternatives for the missing ones.

byu/boredguy12 from discussion

This is also not boredguy12’s first foray into the transmog fashion scene, or Warhammer themes. Feast your eyes on the God-Emperor of Mankind. That’s a lot of bling on him.

After seeing this we could easily imagine a real Warhammer 40k and WoW crossover. Now what a world colliding moment that would be. Maybe as unlikely as fans wanting for years to see Henry as Arthas in some future WoW movie reboot, but we can all dream.



