Grab All the Siren Isle Rewards With the Updated Trove Tally Addon

Trove Tally, a great mod for collectors, has been updated for Siren Isle. You can now easily get a checklist of every missing reward found there! This will definitely make all the running around and storm hopping less painful. At least for item searching, the crabs can’t be avoided.

The Addon

If you don’t know what Trove Tally is, it’s a mod that first appeared for MoP Remix, and we covered it back then. It’s been updated quite a lot in the meantime, and now works for all of the entire War Within.

You can easily track missing transmogs with a handy checklist. Itt also shows the source, and additional filters to help with the search. It can even be used to hide the collected items purchasable at the merchants, decluttering their inventories.

A particularly great feature is the ability to see if you’re missing a transmog when a member of your party loots it. An easy way to immediately turn on your loot Goblin mode, and politely ask for the item.

The creator of the mod, Grayvves, or Bettiold as they go on Curseforge where you can get the mod, has further updates and features planned. They’re also assuring the players the functionality of the mod will be kept, and not just for remixes.

byu/Grayvves from discussion



