Post-Anniversary Blues and Community Reactions

The 20th Anniversary sure felt like a proper carnival event, offering plenty of distractions, and some great rewards. Among many other attractions, we hunted for crates, showed off our (poor) mount collections, threw vegetables at C’thun, witnessed budding WoW fashion designers in action, and experienced zoomies as our favorite pets. Oh, Chromie also had some weird timewalking thing apparently? And Moira had a hard time letting go of the past, so we ventured into Blackrock Depths again.

20th Anniversary Blues

For three months, the Bronze Dragonflight rented their front yard and many fond memories were created. The Anniversary definitely left an impression on quite a few players, and the nostalgia is already kicking in. Some are trying to recapture the bustling days by creating their own party/pavilion, while others are warmly reminiscing, and even looking to the future.

byu/melthasm from discussion

These screenshots and posts, by melthasm and ganbramor, do kind of wash us over with some nostalgia pangs. We’re not cutting onions, and definitely aren’t the only ones, as the number of upvotes can attest.

byu/melthasm from discussion

Some already have ideas what to do with the empty space. We’re sure Nozdormu would approve having a horde of Goblins right at his doorstep. But, let’s hope Blizzard does consider this proposition for future anniversaries and events. Or world splitting cataclysms.

byu/melthasm from discussion

Many others have been chiming in to Xamalion‘s “box full of memories” comment from above, adding to the overall sentiment of not just the 20th Anniversary, but WoW in general.

byu/melthasm from discussion
byu/melthasm from discussion

Whiskey_Bear has the perfect thought for the end, which we have to agree with. The 20th Anniversary event, in spite of its imperfections, truly did spark some awesome celebration feels and warmed many players’ hearts. We can only look forward to future anniversary carnivals.

byu/melthasm from discussion



