The 10 Easiest Mounts To Get From Shadowlands

Shadowlands gets its fair share of bad rep, and for many people just begs for a slap as much as Gallywix. On the other hand, some players are more than willing and ready to die on the controversial opinion that it was actually a good expansion. However your opinion swings, we can all agree it brought us some pretty cool and some downright weird (looking at you Wombata) mounts.

To get you going with your Shadowlands mount collection, Hirumaredx has made a video showcasing 10 of the easiest mounts to acquire. Well, a little bit more than 10, but it’s still a Top 10 list.

All About the Mounts

A shortlist of the mounts, from 10 to 1, is as follows:

  1. 16 Renown mounts grouped as one – first 4 starting at Renown 23, 4 at Renown 39, 4 at Renown 45, and the ultimate 4 mount rewards at Renown 70. The Renown 39 and 70 mounts also require Anima and Grateful Offerings to get them, you do not get them just from reaching the required Renown level. (0:14)
  2. Deathrunner from the Zereth Mortis Protoform Synthesis questline. (2:50)
  3. Arboreal Gulper from the rare spawn Humon’gozz in Ardenweald. (4:35)
  4. Sundancer, a rare located in Bastion which requires a Skystrider Glider and a Sunrider’s Blessing to access. (6:15)
  5. Swift Gloomhoof, a guaranteed drop from the Night Mare, a hidden rare elite in Dreamshrine Basin, just outside Hibernal Hollow in Ardenweald. (8:34)
  6. A duo in 5th place, Spinemaw Gladechewer and Shimmermist Runner, both found around the main portion of Tirna Scythe. (10:54)
  7. Slime Serpent, a very easily obtainable mount through a solo Plaguefall dungeon run on Heroic or Mythic. (12:38)
  8. Patient Bufonid, from a 7 day journey in Zereth Moris through simple and easy dailies. (14:33)
  9. Sinrunner Blanchy, an iconic side character first found on the Alliance side of Westfall, in the instanced version of Old Tarren Mill in Old Hillsbrad Foothills dungeon. She’s now camping in Revendreth. (16:35)
  10. Wildseed Cradle, acquired from the Cache of the Moon in the Garden of the Night, in Ardenweald. (19:49)

Some of the mounts require additional steps to acquire them, be it a questline, an item drop, or just a few fetch quests for different items. Or food for the mounts. Hirumaredx does a great job of explaining all the necessary steps in detail, making it a breeze to follow and acquire the mounts.

So, get on braving the Shadowlands once again, in good and bad. At least you’ll walk out of there with some new mounts instead of just a bland taste in your mouth and a hole in your soul from the Jailer storyline. And all the other choice narrative crimes.



