We’ve got some exciting news for Shaman players! New Ascendance forms are coming in the 20th anniversary update! Check them out!
Restoration Shamans will get a new Water Form, Elemental a new Fire Form, and Enhancement a new Wind Form!
New Shaman Ascendance Forms
But wait, there’s more! Shaman can also look forward to new Ascendance forms to express their elemental mastery. Restoration Shaman will get a new Water form, Elemental will get a new Fire form, and Enhancement will get a new Wind form.
Air Ascendance Form
Fire Ascendance Form
Water Ascendance Form
We’ll have additional adjustments you can look forward to for Ascendance, just keep an eye out for the PTR update notes in the days ahead. We can’t wait to see what paths your new Dracthyr take when the update goes live!