Chinese Hateforged Blazecycle Promotion Is a Little Different: 200,000 Codes With No Purchase Necessary

The flashy red Hateforged Blazecycle iconHateforged Blazecycle arrives on Chinese servers as well, but it’s a little different than the US version.

NetEase, who run WoW in China have set up a different kind of promotion for the bike, partnering with Audi. NasDa shared the promotion details, as 200,000 codes will be given away to players that participate in certain activities. And while some include actually heading to Audi dealerships and test driving their cars, others are much easier or at least much more awesome.

Audis, Ice Drifting, and More!

The bulk of the codes (190,000) come from simply interacting with the official WeChat WoW China account in various ways. Meanwhile, 10,000 codes come from real-life activities like the test drive, but also ice-drifting lessons with a WoW-themed car and attending car shows. So there’s some pretty fun activities there for players!

Here’s NasDa’s full post:

“WoW China and NetEase are giving away 200,000 Hateforged Blzaecycles for free in CN region.

NetEase has announced an exciting collaboration between World of Warcraft China and Audi, featuring the Hateforged Blazecycle mount. Unlike the US event, the motorcycle mount is completely free. However, CN players need to complete certain tasks on the official WoW WeChat app to earn it. The mount is limited in supply, with a total of 200,000 units available — 190,000 distributed through online/in-game activities and the remaining 10,000 through offline events.

Online Event: CN players can earn points through varies online and in-game activities on the official WoW WeChat app,

1. Daily check-ins on the app. 2. Sharing the event post on social media. 3. Complete any mythic+ dungeon weekly. 4. Defeat Queen Ansurek on any difficulty weekly.

Player should be able to get the mount in just about a week.

Offline Event: CN Players can also participate in offline events to obtain a card to redeem the mount, 1. Drifting lessons on China’s largest and coldest ice racing track with an WoW-themed Audi race car. 2. Test drive Audi cars at selected Audi dealerships across various cities. 3. Attend the Audi RS car show at the Harbin Ice and Snow World.” – NasDa

The US version of the promotion included getting points by buying Mountain Dew, Doritos, and Rockstar products. You can read about it here.

It’s unclear if this will be the only way to officially get the Blazecyle in China.



