Patch 11.1 Brings Darkfuse Solutions Cartel and Exclusive Rewards

Blizzard is introducing the Darkfuse Solutions cartel in Patch 11.1, allowing players to align themselves with a faction connected to Gallywix. This reputation grind comes with unique rewards, achievements, and two mounts!

Who are Darkfuse Solutions?

The faction comes with the following description: “Darkfuse Solutions did not make friends working for Gallywix, but giving up isn’t the goblin way. They’re back with a new brand, a new attitude, and hey, it was just business, right?

How to Gain Reputation with Darkfuse Solutions

To increase your standing with Darkfuse Solutions, you’ll need to collect Market Research iconMarket Research. This currency drops from Undermine content and you can turn it in at Sitch Lowdown in Hovel Hill to earn reputation with the cartel.

Darkfuse Solutions Reputation Rewards

You can unlock the following rewards from Darkfuse Solutions:

  • A Long Fuse iconA Long Fuse – Reach Exalted with Darkfuse Solutions. Rewards the Darkfuse Diplomat title.
  • Darkfuse Demolisher iconDarkfuse Demolisher (Ground Mount). Costs 11,375 Resonance Crystals.
  • Darkfuse Spy-Eye iconDarkfuse Spy-Eye (Flying Mount). Available from the Darkfuse Precipitant World Quest in Undermine.



