Easy Mounts: How To Get Almost 180 in a Day!

We’ve recently covered the 10 easiest mounts to get from Shadowlands in a great video by Hirumaredx. Let’s widen the search to all of Azeroth, escape the confines of the Shadowlands jail, and see how many mounts you can get in a day.

Vareion went all out, expanding the list to 176 mounts that are mostly easily collectable, and don’t require sleepless nights. Or nightmares from listening to Kael’thas’s monologue for the 422nd time in a row, and waiting on the abysmal drop rates (no, that totally isn’t a personally traumatizing example).

A Mountain o’ Mounts

The list is extensive, even stretching into Hearthstone for the two mounts you can get by playing just a couple of games. Vareion goes in detail for what little requirements the mounts have, and the list is easily followed, with many thanks going out to a user going by McBeef23 over on Youtube for providing the timestamps.

  1. Arcanist’s Manasaber (1:46)
  2. Golden Lotus Cranes – Azure, Regal, and Golden (2:15)
  3. Sundancer (3:51)
  4. Hearthstone Mounts – Sarge’s Tale, Hearthsteed (5:06)
  5. Arboreal Gulper (6:15)
  6. Temperamental Skyclaw (6:50)
  7. Harbor Gryphon, Scarlet Pterrodax (7:32)
  8. Smoldering Ember Wyrm (8:05)
  9. Grotto Netherwing Drake (10:10)
  10. Shimmermist Runner (10:51)
  11. Wildseed Cradle (11:34)
  12. Slime Serpent (12:29)
  13. Colossal Ebonclaw Mawrat (13:00)
  14. Primal Raptors – Black, Green, Red, and Bone-White (13:32)
  15. Bleakhoof Ruinstrider (14:44)
  16. Subterranean Magmammoth, Igneous Shalewing (15:32)
  17. Aerial Unit R21-X (16:27)
  18. Darkwater Skate (20:06)
  19. Ice Mammoth, Grand Ice Mammoth (21:06)
  20. Qiraji Battle Tanks – Blue, Green, Yellow, and Red (21:43)
  21. Stormhide Salamanther (22:29)
  22. Kun-Lai Yaks – Grey, Blonde, Grand Expedition (23:18)
  23. Time Rift Mounts – Scourgebound Vanquisher, Perfected Juggernaut, Felstorm Dragon, Sulfur Hound, Ravenous Black Gryphon, White War Wolf, Gold-Toed Albatross (24:02)
  24. Amani Battle Bear (25:05)
  25. Magmashell (26:44)
  26. Vash’jir Seahorse (27:45)
  27. Black, Twilight Drake (28:23)
  28. Duskwing Ohuna, Renewed Magmammoth (29:18)
  29. Dragonflight Campaign Mounts – Renewed Proto-Drake, Windborne Velocidrake, Highland Drake, Cliffside Wylderdrake (30:38)
  30. Allied Race Mounts – Nightborne Manasaber, Highmountain Thunderhoof, Lightforged Felcrusher, Starcursed Voidstrider, Mag’har Direwolf, Dark Iron Core Hound, Kul Tiran Charger, Zandalari Direhorn, Mechagon Mechanostrider, Caravan Hyena (31:08)
  31. Spinemaw Gladechewer (31:41)
  32. Riddler’s Mind-Worm (32:23)
  33. Pureblood Firehawk, Flametalon of Alysrazor (33:38)
  34. Swarmite Skyhunter (35:33)
  35. Delver’s Dirigible (36:04)
  36. Red Flying Cloud (36:31)
  37. Riding Camels – Brown, Tan (37:54)
  38. Soaring Meaderbee (39:31)
  39. Cenarion War Hippogryph (40:05)
  40. Silverwind Larion (41:35)
  41. Bronze Drake (42:48)
  42. Racial Mounts – 35 for Alliance, 36 for Horde (43:46)
  43. Winged Steed of the Ebon Blade (45:06)
  44. Mei Francis mounts in Dalaran (45:18)
  45. Palehide Direhorn (45:40)
  46. Marsh Hopper mounts – Green, Blue, Yellow (46:21)
  47. Champion’s Treadblade (47:41)
  48. Golden Regal Scarab (48:19)
  49. Bloodfang Widow (48:40)

Phew, now that’s a list! Perfect for new players that started WoW with Dragonflight or later, and for any returning ones with the War Within.

A Day?

Vareion claims the list is likely doable in one day, but for the sake of your sanity, you could potentially spread the list over a few days. Or a weekend, with a sizeable cup of Blackrock Coffee or two. And if you test out Vareion’s one day theory, let us know, and share the experience, as it sounds like a lot of work!



