Hunter Mythic Gnarloot Solo

Hunter player Durendil has soloed Mythic Gnarloot, a boss in Dragonflight’s Amirdrassil raid!

The Swarmlord's Authority iconSwarmlord’s Authority trinket helped a bunch with the soloing and Durendil’s guild was nice enough to trade it to them.

The difficulty of the boss fight lies in surviving all 3 intermissions. A big damage spike occurs during the fourth one, so you need to kill him before that.

Durendil always made sure to save CDs on add spawns. The player had Item Level 635 and said the other Amirdrassil raid bosses couldn’t be soloed because they require more DPS, so maybe as we dive into Season 2 with higher item levels, we’ll eventually see more solo videos.

Watch Durendil’s Mythic Gnarloot solo video below!



