Maximize Your WoW Token Value: Why 1 Month After The War Within Launch is the Best Time to Buy

Wondering when to get the most out of your WoW Tokens in the War Within? A player has cracked the code by tracking years of price trends, revealing the perfect time to buy tokens and maximize your gold!

Reddit user Its_Eek has been tracking WoW Token prices since April 2015 to maximize his gold and Blizzard Balance. He used detailed data from over 172,000 rows to predict the best times to buy tokens, aiming to get the most value.

His strategy revolves around buying tokens with gold when prices are low, storing up to 10 tokens, and maintaining a $350 Blizzard Balance.

During Warlords of Draenor and Legion, he earned 144,000 gold every day, accumulating 25 million by the end of Legion.

The player shared a chart on Reddit that tracks WoW Token prices one month before an expansion, at the launch, one month after, and two months after the expansion, highlighting the price differences over time from Legion through Dragonflight.

Source: Reddit

The sweet spot to buy game time with gold, according to the data, is five-to-six weeks after an expansion launches.

byu/Its_Eek from discussion


