Season of Discovery Hotfixes: March 4th

We have quite a few changes to SoD today as well. They are mostly focused on the Nightmare Grove activity. The only non-nightmare related change is Tarnished Undermine Real now drops from AQ raid bosses and caches!

The Nightmare Grove also gets some Reals, some AQ Temple and BWL gear drops, and its old gear got upgraded to interact with the Signet Ring. There’s plenty more changes for the event so let’s dive in.

Season of Discovery

  • Tarnished Undermine Real now drop from Ruins of Ahn’Qiraj and Temple of Ahn’Qiraj bosses and hard mode caches.
  • Nightmare Grove
    • The Nightmare Dragons now drop three Tarnished Undermine Reals each.
    • The Nightmare Dragons now each drop a piece of Non-C’thun Temple of Ahn’Qiraj Tier.
      • Players can access to the Temple of Ahn’Qiraj vendors at the entrance of the raid. These NPCs are Kandrostrasz, Vethsera, and Andorgos.
    • The Nightmare Dragons now each drop a piece of Blackwing Tier that is not available on the Undermine Real vendor. (Shoulders/Legs/Head/Chest).
    • The Nightmare Dragons now each drop a Blackwing Lair class trinket.
    • All of the pieces in the Nightmare Dragon’s old loot has had 8 primary armor slots updated to have the Timeworn tag, allowing them to interact with the Signet Ring of the Bronze Dragonflight line.
    • To allow players more chances to get missing patterns, the Nightmare Dragons can now drop all of the enchanting and engineering patterns from Molten Core and all professions recipes from Ahn’Qiraj.
    • Health of all bosses and enemy creatures reduced by 15%.
    • Damage and healing of all bosses and enemy creatures reduced by 30%.
    • All Dragons no longer thrash.
    • Emeriss – NPC priests during the PvP raid phase no longer cast Mind Control.
    • Lethon – Damage reduction aura from the large Spirit Shade reduced to 50% (was 99%), and movement speed of Spirit Shades lowered by 25%.
    • Ysondre – Divergent Lightning is now cast less frequently and deals less damage.




