The “It Finally Dropped” Meme: How a WoW Screenshot Became an Internet Phenomenon

The Warcraft community has seen its fair share of memes, but few have spread as unexpectedly as the “It Finally Dropped” meme. Originating from a Reddit post, the meme captured a relatable moment: finally obtaining a rare in-game item. But what truly set it apart was the way the moment was captured, and the internet took it from there!

The Original Image: A Multi-Layered Screenshot

During the ongoing Love is in the Air event, players chase after the X-45 Heartbreaker iconX-45 Heartbreaker, a rare mount that has a chance to drop on your first daily kill. One lucky player, happy about the loot, took a photo of their monitor with their phone instead of using a simple screenshot.

Finally it dropped
byu/BloodandBourbon inwow

This decision resulted in an extra layer of depth, as the phone’s screen displayed the item tooltip while the monitor behind it did not. The composition made it seem as though the player had discovered a secret only visible through the phone, and that’s where r/wow had its fun.

The Meme Evolves!

Redditors quickly embraced the format, recreating the images in various ways.

Source: Imgur
Source: Reddit
Source: Reddit

Some took it even further and created printouts of the meme while adding another layer of depth with the desktop action bar clearly visible at the bottom.

Source: Reddit

Can you take it even further? The short answer is: YES. Here’s an image of the Reddit thread with the meme printed out. How do you call this? Memeception?

Source: Reddit

Someone loved the meme so much they had to put it in their wallet.

Source: Reddit

Then, the mods of r/wow started removing stuff, but we were able to recover some gems for you. Here’s a shirt with the meme thread from Reddit showing the printout.

Source: Reddit

Here we have a crowd photographing a print-out picture of the Reddit thread that shows the meme.

Source: Reddit

Another Redditor casually took a photo of the meme on their wrist.

Source: Reddit

The meme’s getting out of hand!

Source: Reddit

Even the Orc at the Blizzard Campus knows the meme well by now!

Source: Reddit

Someone even photoshopped their iPhone to make it look shattered after a drop.

Source: Reddit

Here’s a completely new one, the meme seen through a scope.

Source: Reddit

Finally, guess who’s replacing Anyma’s residency at the Vegas Sphere? You’ve got one try!

Source: Reddit

And, of course, you need your meme to be mobile:

Source: Reddit.

And while we saw a similar one already, it’s always good to see the process in action.

What’s Next for the Meme?

As Cloud_N0ne suggests: the ultimate endgame for this meme is to print it on a billboard and then film and pay for a commercial with said billboard in view.

byu/kolort1989 from discussion



