War Within, Season of Discovery and Classic Hotfixes: February 13th

We have another single-issue batch of hotfixes for retail today and a whole lot of them for SoD. Once again the TWW hotfix is event-related, with the I Pitied The Fool iconI Pitied The Fool achievement getting a fix.

Meanwhile, in Phase 7 of SoD we have many Scourge Invasion improvements, as well as Krazahan Crypts and Naxxramas changes. We also have the Hardcore/Era/Anniversary realm Black Lotus hotfix announced earlier today.


  • Love Fool and Sturdy Love Fool can now be placed as intended for the achievement I Pitied the Fool.


Season of Discovery

  • Scourge Invasions
    • The rate at which undead spawn at the Scourge Invasion camps has been greatly increased. This increases both the number of creatures present as well as the rate at which more spawn, making invasion camps much more dangerous. As a reminder, you cannot loot another Heart of Doom if you have looted one within the last 5 minutes.
    • Remnants of Valor now drop once per day from bosses in Scholomance and Stratholme Dead Side bosses. These are on the same timer as Tarnished Undermine Real dropping once daily from bosses.
    • Every zone that has a Scourge Invasion now also has a soul projection of Brother Luctus for picking up and turning in the repeatable quest.
    • You can now exchange Remnants of Valor for Argent Dawn Valor Tokens from Brother Luctus.
    • Next week, the Seal of the Dawn will only go up 1 maximum rank, to rank 5.
      • Developers’ Notes: We previously expected to increase the Seal of Dawn power system to rank 6 next week, but have determined that it would be better to slow it down and possibly cap it earlier than rank 10. This also means that players will not have to obtain as many Remnants of Valor each week. We will continue to track and evaluate this system.
  • Karazhan Crypts
    • Remnants of Valor now drop from Karazhan Crypts bosses.
    • Ultravision cannot be removed by immunities.
    • Flametongue Totem now grants protection from Oppressive Darkness.
  • Naxxramas
    • A portal has been added inside of the entrance to Naxxramas that will allow players to exit the instance.
    • A portal has been added in the Frostwyrm Lair that becomes active when Sapphiron is defeated, allowing players to return to the entrance of Naxxramas.

WoW Classic Era

  • Increased the rate at which Black Lotus spawns in all areas. This change applies to all Classic Era, Anniversary, and Hardcore realms.




