War Within Nerub-ar Palace Raid DPS Log Rankings, Week 12: Tuning Aftermath

The class tuning has finally taken hold and we have a week’s worth of logs with the new stats to pore over. Shamans are joining up at the top as Enhancement struggles to hold on to No.1, and Subtlety and Fire are the big winners!

Note: We are using normalized scores instead of raw DPS for the Warcraft Logs rankings. Normalized scores take into account the outlier boss fights where certain specs could stack massive DPS (due to the nature of the fight, whether it’s AoE spam or something else), which would then affect their overall score for the whole raid.


Overall Damage 95th Percentile

The reign of the Shaman has begun! That’s plural! Enhancement may have received a large nerf, but they’re still hanging on to No.1, although now they’re down to earth and very close to the No.2. And who might the No.2 be? Well, it’s Elemental, which climbs its way up from 4th and begins to challenge the very top. Rogues are also doing well post-tuning, as Subtlety takes the class lead, gains a huge 5 spots and moves past Outlaw, which itself gains 2 spots.

With all this upward mobility someone has to go down, and Survival is the first to do so. Losing 3 spots the Hunter finds itself in 5th place, with Frost Mage joining it on the journey down. Fury only loses 2 spots in 7th, while Destruction rises one right behind it. Assassination makes it all three Rogues in the top 10, and Fire Mage bounces back after some tuning buffs, gaining a giant 17 spots and rising out of the bottom 3 into the final top 10 slot! Speaking of the bottom, Augmentation will never get its numbers properly tracked it seems, as it’s perpetually last, with Affliction sitting down there with it for quite a while now. Unholy is a new addition, dropping 3 spots after a long time spent around the top at the start of the expansion.

95th percentile Mythic data by Warcraft Logs

Overall Damage All Percentiles

Subtlety really benefited from the buffs as it’s taken over the generalist bracket! Enhancement was unable to fend off the Rogue after the Maelstrom nerfs, and now finds itself in a yellow sandwich, as Assassination keeps its third spot from the previous week. Survival only drops 2 spots here, same as Fury, and Destruction rises 3. Fire is doing even better, surpassing Frost and gaining another giant 18 spots. Outlaw is up one, finding its way between the two Mages, while Retribution loses 3 spots to close out the top 10.

All percentiles Mythic data by Warcraft Logs

Boss Only Damage All Percentiles

Subtlety continues its rise in the direct damage chart as well, but doesn’t manage to unseat Assassination. Arms also moves up quite a bit, 3 spots into 3rd, as the Warrior and Rogue push Survival down into 4th. Beast Mastery remains stable in 5th, with Outlaw rising 2 into 6th, followed by Fire and Arcane, as we see Enhancement drop out of the top 10 and then some, as it seems its direct damage was affected the most by the nerfs.

All percentiles Mythic data by Warcraft Logs

Heroic Damage All Percentiles

Heroic usually takes a while to adjust to new tuning, and it’s no different this time around. The top two remain stable, as Subtlety moves to spots up into 3rd, pushing Survival down one. Enhancement actually remains stable in 5th, with Retribution rising into 6th. Fire is moving up a lot, but not nearly as much as in Mythic, only gaining 10 spots and slotting in at the bottom of the Mage cluster in the middle of the pack.

All percentiles Heroic data by Warcraft Logs

U.gg Raw Mythic DPS Rankings by Hero Talent Tree

It will take a while longer to see the tuning changes in the raw DPS chart, as it takes the two week average. Destruction does find itself moving on up a whole lot into 2nd here, while Arms and Enhancement drop a little.

Raw DPS Mythic Hero Tree Data by u.gg

As always, you can check out our tier lists, our class guides, and our Nerub-ar Palace guide! And for even more stats, head on over to Warcraft Logs and u.gg.



