Ahavarion, Spear of Lycander is a Uber Unique that was bugged during Season 1. It presumably dropped for a Portuguese player as a placeholder item with no stats or effects.

Given how rare Uber Uniques were in Season of the Malignant, it’s no wonder we haven’t seen a proper Ahavarion drop until Uber Duriel was added in Season 2! The Staff has now dropped for multiple players, according to various Reddit reports.
Here’s one that dropped for acedias-token.
Ahavarion drop from Duriel
byu/acedias-token indiablo4
The Uber Unique Staff also dropped for lawliet on the sixth Uber Duriel kill.
I did it
byu/–lawliet– indiablo4
HealingPotato also got Ahavarion as their first Uber Unique!
First Uber Unique!
byu/HealingPotato indiablo4
Ahavarion grants the wearer a random Shrine effect for [10-20] seconds after killing an Elite enemy on a 30-second cooldown.