Triple Mythic Unique From a Single Tormented Boss Kill!

We’re in the massive luck department today, with a tremendous 3x Uber/Mythic Unique loot drop!

This particular piece of insanity comes from tanzitanzt, after a Beast in the Ice kill! And not only that, their run of 20 or so bosses also yielded even more Mythic Uniques on top! From the looks of it that’s one The GrandfatherThe Grandfather and two DoombringerDoombringers! While a double Doombringer drop may not seem great, at least it was twice as many chances at Greater Affixes. That wasn’t to be, so one of them is just going to be Resplendent Spark fodder. Oh no 😀

It’s possible these three Mythics were actually the result of more than one boss kill, since it wasn’t specified in the post, but who doesn’t pick up multiple Ubers when they drop?! In any case, despite Mythic Uniques becoming more frequent in Seasons 4 and 5, this is still an insane drop, even if it was from than one kill.



