Incredibly (Un?)Lucky Player Gets TWO Quad Greater Affix Mythic Uniques in 1 Day… and It’s the Same One!

As we’ve recently seen from Duriel run stats, getting more than 1 Greater Affix on a Mythic Unique is incredibly rare in and of itself. Getting an honest to goodness four Greater Affixes is incredibly lucky. But getting two in the span of one day? That’s something crazy. So what would be the the absolute worst scenario within this crazy luck vortex?

The Unluckiest Lucky Player There Ever Was

The appropriately named RUMadBrow got a fantastic Heir of PerditionHeir of Perdition, all maxed out with all four affixes of a greater variety. After having gotten all the Mythic Uniques they needed, today they decided to do a little gamble at the blacksmith’s random purple shop. And lo and behold, ANOTHER 4 Greater Affix Mythic!! Except, whoops, it’s the exact same one!

As Greater Affixes don’t really mean anything unless you plan to use the item this is just some potential masterworking materials saved in case RUMadBrow wanted to re-roll its MW crits. Or just a regular spark, same as any basic 1 Greater Affix Mythic!

Either way it’s hard to feel bad for them, but that type of luck only happens once in your entire time playing D4, so it is a bit of a shame it’s the same item.



