Unique Item and Legendary Aspect Power Rolls Increased on Ancestral and Greater Affix Drops

Patch 2.1 AKA Season 7 is bringing some major improvements to both legendary Aspects and Unique items!

Legendary Aspects

First off we have the already announced improvement to Ancestral Aspects. In Season 6 players have been very frustrated by the very difficult process by which we can get Aspect ranks. Once we reach a certain Aspect rank in the Codex, only Ancestral items can have high enough Aspect values to upgrade our rank. However, those values were rolled completely randomly. So despite getting an Ancestral legendary, you could still get a lower Aspect roll than what you need to upgrade it for the Codex.

Luckily that’s about to change in Season 7. We now have the full details of the (massive) improvement to Ancestrals. The minimum roll on an Ancestral legendary item’s Aspect values will now be equal to the maximum of a non-Ancestral legendary! So now it will be much easier to rank up those Codex Aspects and get some solid builds going!

Unique Items

Uniques are getting a similar treatment, but instead of Ancestrals being affected, it’s Greater Affixes. Unique power rolls on items will now get higher rolls for each Greater Affix present on the item. This means the more GA’s you get on a Unique, the higher the baseline roll for its power values will be! And that’s not all, as all Uniques are getting a baseline reduction in variance on their power values as well. So it’s better numbers on Unique powers all around!



