Why Is Hex of Whispers Not Working and Can’t Be Bought?

Many players have been asking whether Hex of WhispersHex of Whispers is bugged as they can’t interact with it at all – can’t buy, apply it if already bought, nor use it if applied. Well, if you’re among those players you’re not crazy and it’s not a bug!

Despite Blizzard posting yesterday’s hotfixes publicly, it seems many players missed one of the two changes they brought. The Hex of WhispersHex of Whispers has been temporarily disabled as it was causing stability issues. Blizzard did not specific when it will return, only that it will be soon and that they are working on the fix.

There are many more posts like the above, so hopefully this helped some players. We’ll keep you posted on when the power comes back. Meanwhile, you can check out all the other available Witchcraft powers here, and where to get the Lost ones here.



