Book of Lorath

Book of Lorath Reveals Diablo 4 Post-Campaign Lore

Book of Lorath contains some interesting post-campaign information about Neyrelle that were not present in the game. Check them out if you’re finished with the campaign!

Reddit user shinros posted new details about Neyrelle found in the book that weren’t present in the Diablo 4 campaign and here are the highlights.

Book of Lorath Highlights

  • In the book, Lorath is following Neyrelle’s footsteps, finding letters from her along the way.
  • Neyrelle passed through Kurast and Lorath found that after barely spending a day there, Kurast fell into chaos with neighbors killing each other over small things.
  • Someone working at the docks wrote Lorath a letter informing him that order has been restored in Kurast.
  • Neyrelle is slowly losing her sanity and regrets going to Kurast in the first place as it is “Mephisto’s domain”:
    • “I should have not come to Kurast, this was Mephisto’s domain. Almost as soon as I arrived his voice grew louder and more insistent. The lord of hatred laughs at humanity’s insignificance. He mocks my weakness. He shows me the ruin to come. Sanctuary devoured.”
    • “The raging storm inside my head will drive me mad. Before coming here, I thought I was learning to ignore his voice and see through his visions. I should have anticipated this. I was a fool. No doubt you (Lorath) would have tried to warn me if you were here. Perhaps I would have listened. I’m leaving Kurast as quickly as I can and I will not repeat this mistake. I must seek some way to silence the lord of hatred. I must find a way to keep my sanity. Don’t worry old man, I’m not lost yet.”
  • Further, down the line, Lorath reached a Monk monastery and learned Neyrelle was there, but the monks were terrified of her and helped her deal with the visions. She wasn’t even allowed in as monks considered her “an agent of pure chaos and hatred even though she clearly didn’t one to be one.”

Source: Reddit


