We’ve gathered some useful community feedback regarding Diablo 4 itemization and its current issues. Check it out!
The first one’s by djinfish who talked in depth about the hotfix removing Uber rares from Helltides which outlined an issue with the game’s itemization.
The change “forced Barbarians and Sorcerers down a single path by creating a great opportunity to acquire Harlequins“
According to the player, there are “few options for each class, and builds rely on Uniques to be good. Because we don’t have many to choose from, everyone uses very similar builds“.
Hotfix removing Uber rares from Helltides outlines a major problem with itemization.
by u/djinfish in diablo4
The next one’s by NickBucketTV who talks about the Rogue with Penetrating Shot +
Imbuement build. Specifically, the fact both of the ranged unique weapons the Rogues gets are bows is “terrible“, according to the player. Bows automatically get +60% distant damage which is “significantly worse than +60 vulnerable damage (multiplicative vs additive damages).“
Many unique have set-in-stone “bad affixes that have absolutely no purpose other than making the item a non-BiS that will be forgotten immediately“, says the player.
Nick’s message is clear: “Uniques and Legendaries need to be more appealing.”
Legendaries and Uniques are mostly bad and I no longer get excited when they drop at all
by u/NickBucketTV in diablo4
Grimnoir has shared their feedback after 320 hours of playing. To sum up, the player thinks “It is pretty plain to see Uniques were intended to be very special and there’s a whole shiny fanfare when they hit the ground, but in practice, almost all of them are bad“. The rest “suffers from bad sub-stats making them undesirable compared to how overclocked aspects on hand-selected rares can be“, Grimnoir added.
Diablo IV Itemization Feels Backwards.
by u/Grimnoir in diablo4
The same thread contains an interesting opinion by Nemorga, who thinks “uniques should be build-enabling while Legendaries should be your way to pump up power“.
by u/Nemorga from discussion Diablo IV Itemization Feels Backwards.
in diablo4
Zenlon’s thread has acquired 3.2K upvotes on the Diablo 4 subreddit. The key takeaways are:
- Blizzard should introduce more useful Uniques/Aspects per class.
- Set pieces with reasonable drop rates should be implemented.
- Level requirements should be based on the item power of items. The items shouldn’t scale to your level, making them useless for alts.
Let’s be honest – this game is fantastic. Itemization is what it’s truly lacking.
by u/zenlon in diablo4
Dortmunder1 feels that once you get to World Tier 4, which starts at around Level 60, you will be farming the same loot as you did 30-40 levels ago at Level 100, which leaves us with a “wasteland of little to no upgrades”.
Itemization Is Really Bad
by u/Dortmunder1 in diablo4
KurtiZ_TSW thinks “Aspects have taken far too much of Blizzard’s attention and the depth of the base item affix pool has taken a hit because of it“. The player compares the game’s itemization to Diablo 2 and showcases specific examples of what is missing in Diablo 4.
D4 Itemization lacks depth, and this is a problem (with examples)
by u/KurtiZ_TSW in diablo4
Now’s the time for you to share your opinion about the game’s itemization in the comments!