The Beast in the Ice is a challenging endgame boss with unique loot. To claim these rewards, you will need to handle its mechanics. You can adjust the world difficulty in the main town, making the fight easier or harder. However, higher Torment levels will, of course, offer better rewards.
How to Summon The Beast in the Ice
To face The Beast in the Ice you must gather 12 Distilled Fear from Nightmare Dungeons
There are a few things you can do before challenging The Beast in the Ice:
- Get your Cold Resistance as high as possible including increasing your Max Cold Resist through items like
Elixir of Cold Resistance II.
- Play a build that you are comfortable with and that has shown to have enough damage and survivability to take on bosses (check out our Tier list here for suggestions).
Boss Mechanics
The Beast in the Ice will mainly use Cold-based attacks.

Stagger Bar: Like most bosses in Diablo 4, The Beast in the Ice has a stagger bar. Filling this bar will stun her, allowing you to deal damage without worrying about her attacks for a few seconds.
During the fight, in addition to their default attacks, The Beast in the Ice has a few mechanics to look out for:
- Watch out for his Frozen Strike, when he swings his sword and releases Ice Crystals that will shatter after moving a short amount, releasing multiple smaller projectiles.
- If he starts an inhale animation make sure to move out of the frontal cone to avoid their Icy Breath.
- When he roars and slams the ground with his sword, he will create frost circles, which you will need to move out of before spikes fall from the ceiling and land on you.
- If he leaps into the air make sure to move as far away from the landing site as you can, as he will deal heavy damage in a large area upon landing also shooting out Ice projectiles.
- If you do not have enough damage to kill him before he phases, then you will encounter the following abilities:
- He will jump up into the air and stay there while adds will spawn.
- The ground will be split up into 4 lanes, of which only one will be safe to stand in; standing in the others will knock you into the storm surrounding the arena, which is normally a death.
- Note: if you cannot get into the correct lane, position yourself so you get knocked back into a pillar instead of the storm.
- He will impale the ground with his sword and start channeling, causing 4 explosions that will target where you are standing. Make sure to be on the move and save an evade and Unstoppable in case you get frozen.
In addition to the Uniques listed below, the Beast in the Ice also drops Pincushioned Doll required to summon Uber Andariel.
All Classes:
Fists of Fate
Tassets of the Dawning Sky
Paingorger’s Gauntlets
- The Skull Torch Trophy
- Fell Steed Mount Trophy